Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Sun: Change to San Bernardino city manager’s contract rejected

San Bernardino Seal

By Ryan Hagen, The Sun
Posted: 06/01/15 – 8:41 PM PDT |

SAN BERNARDINO >> A requested contract amendment that would have given City Manager Allen Parker six months’ salary if he’s terminated without cause — instead of the current agreement with no severance pay — was rejected Monday.

The 4-2 vote to table the amendment keeps Parker’s contract as it has been since the City Council hired him in 2013: Either he or the city can end his employment with 60 days’ notice, entitling him to payment for any unused leave time but no severance.

Had the amendment been passed, Parker would have been entitled to severance pay of $110,988, which is six month’s salary for him.

No reason was given for the request in the brief background filed along with the agenda item, which was prepared by the City Attorney’s Office, and the motion to table meant that there was no discussion of arguments for or against.

Councilmen Fred Shorett and Jim Mulvihill voted against the tabling, and Councilman John Valdivia was absent from the meeting.

Two members of the public — Scott Olson and Kathy Mallon — spoke in opposition to what they said would be an unfair sweetening of Parker’s contract. Parker knew the job was at-will when he took it, and other jobs lost as part of the restructuring in the Plan of Adjustment the council passed last month won’t involve six-month severance packages, they said.

To read entire story, click here.

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