Thursday, June 25, 2015

Los Angeles Times: Rohrabacher accuses campaign treasurer of stealing $170,000


By Michael Finnegan
June 24, 2015

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) said Thursday that a former treasurer of his reelection committee had embezzled more than $170,000 from the campaign.

“I am disappointed and dismayed by this betrayal of trust,” Rohrabacher said in a statement released by his attorney, Charles H. Bell Jr.

Rohrabacher has filed criminal complaints against the former treasurer, Jack Wu of Newport Beach, with the Orange County district attorney and state attorney general, according to Bell.

Wu, 44, is a longtime activist in Orange County Republican politics. He did not respond Wednesday afternoon to an email and voicemail.

Wu, who filed for personal bankruptcy in 1996, according to court records, ran unsuccessfully for mayor of Irvine in 1998, the Irvine Ranch Water District board in 2002 and the Newport Beach City Council in 2006.

In a column last year in the Orange County Register, Wu reminisced about smoking cigars with Tom Fuentes, the late Orange County GOP chairman, on a patio at Duke’s Place, now the Balboa Bay Club. A Wu column in the Register the following week was headlined: “Newport Beach’s unethical investment of city funds.”

On Twitter, Wu’s brief profile says, “Kick ass for da Lord! Tax guy too.”

Wu was Rohrabacher’s volunteer treasurer for about seven years, according to Bell. The campaign committee is auditing its books for that entire period “to determine the exact amount of committee funds that may be been embezzled,” Bell’s statement said.

To read entire story, click here.

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