Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Sacramento Bee: Fact check: Jerry Brown was asked about tax pledge last year

Jerry Brown

Gov. Jerry Brown speaks at a gathering of political, business and community leaders at the annual California Chamber of Commerce Host Breakfast in Sacramento, Calif., Thursday, May 28, 2015. | Rich Pedroncelli AP

Capitol Alert
June 16, 2015
By David Siders

  • Brown says he wasn’t asked about keeping tax pledge in fourth term
  • He was asked, but ducked the question

Gov. Jerry Brown, asked Tuesday if he would now be willing to sign tax increases without voter approval, said that is an “open question.”

“I ran for office when this state had a $27 billion deficit, and I said I wasn’t going to raise taxes unless the people said that’s what they wanted through an initiative, and I kept my promise,” Brown told reporters at a news conference on a budget deal at the Capitol. “But when I ran the second time I didn’t say that, and you didn’t ask me.”

When a reporter suggested they could ask him now, Brown said, “Too late. I’m already elected … It wasn’t part of the contract.”

In fact, Brown was asked about his tax pledge last fall, shortly before he was elected to a fourth term.

To read entire story, click here.

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