Friday, June 26, 2015

InlandPolitics: Fallout from Victorville ticket quota hits

San Bernardino County Sheriff

Lawsuit alleges that deputies assigned to traffic enforcement duties the Victorville Sheriff’s Station were forced to meet a quota of 200 tickets per month. A practice that is illegal under California law.

Friday, June 26, 2015 – 12:15 p.m.

Fallout has already started from an impending San Bernardino County Grand Jury report, expected Tuesday, which reportedly will expose a traffic ticket quota system forced upon motor traffic officers in the contract city of Victorville.

Reliable sources say that all motor traffic officers have now been reassigned to patrol duty assignments in other sheriff stations throughout the county. Even though acceptable practice is to remove the alleged harasser from the hostile work environment. The move makes the transfer appear retaliatory in nature.

Several years ago the management staff at the station felt it necessary to push quotas on deputies. Even though such a practice is patently illegal under California law.

The episode caused the filing of a lawsuit alleging a hostile work environment and whistle-blower retaliation. How that lawsuit remained under wraps for eleven months is interesting.

The complaint, filed in San Bernardino County Superior Court, by Plaintiff’s Tim Jordan, Brian Moler and Jeff Wetmore, paints a blistering picture of a department out of control, with little or no supervision.

The aforementioned complaint alleges that deputies assigned to traffic enforcement duty were given a quota of 200 citations per month.

The lawsuit has survived the Demurrer stage and is in depositions, with a trial setting pending.

It’s unknown as to where or not Victorville officials have been made aware of the situation.

To read the complaint in its entirety, click the following link: Jordan et al v. County of San Bernardino


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