Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Sacramento Bee: Xavier Becerra prods media to probe Kamala Harris’ positions

Xavier Becerra

Democrat Xavier Becerra, a congressman from Los Angeles, speaking with reporters Friday evening at the California Democratic Party convention in Orange County. | Christopher Cadelago

Capitol Alert
May 15, 2015
By Christopher Cadelago

Veteran congressman questions where she stands
“What would she do? What are her values on these issues?”

Anaheim — Rep. Xavier Becerra, mulling a run for the U.S. Senate, urged the media to more aggressively question Attorney General Kamala Harris, the Democratic frontrunner in the race.

Harris, who has been in the contest for four months, has yet to subject herself to extensive questioning from news reporters. She is scheduled to address delegates at the California Democratic Party convention Saturday.

“I think it’s important to give the people a chance to know now what the candidates are thinking – not just a month before the elections,” Becerra, D-Los Angeles, said in an hour-long interview with reporters here.

Becerra, the fourth-ranking House Democrat, said veteran Rep. Loretta Sanchez, who launched her Senate campaign Thursday, is likely to play up her nearly two decades in Congress.

“You could check Loretta’s record. You could check my record, and you could certainly ask us about federal issues that are pending, or upcoming. But you can have a pretty good sense of our track record,” he said.

To read entire story, click here.

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