Saturday, May 23, 2015

Interesting turn of events with Mark Kirk’s new attorney

If you don’t know the most obvious problem, you will have to read my story.  But the issues go way beyond what I was able to check on a weekend via online access.  I’m tempted to post the additional information I received as though it is a “rumor” until it can be confirmed, but honestly, it is sufficiently concerning enough that, if wrong, it could be considered libelous.  However, I have every reason to believe most of it is valid due to the source.

I’m really scratching my head on this one.  It would look like someone called in a favor except that I don’t believe for a moment Judge Smith is on the take.  And, I’m not sure which side it can potentially benefit.

On one hand, I’m thinking things are not going well for the defense.  On the other hand, I’m thinking Larson is loving this.  I’m not sure what to believe.

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