Monday, August 3, 2015

California Fish and Game Commission to consider banning bobcat trapping

This past week the world focused on the death of Cecil the lion, a death that has been mourned around the world.  The actions of Walter Palmer, a dentist from Minnesota, who paid $55,000 to kill Cecil, brought  to light the horrific, and sometimes illegal, methods used to bag a big cat.

What many here in California, a state considered to one of the most progressive and enlightened for animal welfare, do not realize is that we have our own dirty little secret in regards to how wild cats, specifically bobcats, are treated.  In California it is legal to trap bobcats.

The bobcats are then shot in the head and skinned for their pelts.  The pelts are shipped off to China, Russia and Europe.  Trappers get $600 to $1,000 per pelt.

To read the entire article, click here.

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