Tuesday, August 25, 2015

1,200 Teamsters show SBCo. BOS they mean business

San Bernardino County leaders scoffed at the idea that the county’s general employees have had enough of pay and benefit cuts so much so that they would take a few hours out of a weekend morning to attend a union rally.  They were expecting a low turnout.  They were wrong.  More than 1,200 Teamsters showed for the event, which featured presentations by San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos and California State Treasurer John Chiang.

Historically, employees in the county’s general units have rolled over and taken whatever pay reductions San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors deemed necessary.  Attendance at union-sponsored events was often light.  But after years of pay cuts, earlier this year the general employees voted to affiliate with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and were excited to show their support of their new union on Saturday.

The Teamsters promises a different way of dealing with the board of supervisors.  Saturday’s rally was the first public display of how things will change.  It was meant to set the tone for an economic reopener scheduled next month.  Employees were quick to show their enthusiasm.

To read the entire article, click here.

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