Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Looking for tips and information

There is a new rumor floating around the rescue community about the San Bernardino County Public Health Department’s division of Animal Care and Control.  The rumor is that the Attorney General’s office is looking at the Devore Shelter and at Brian Cronin in particular.

The basis of this alleged investigation is the misuse of the drugs used to euthanize animals in their care.  I can tell you that rumors about such abuses have surrounded Cronin for decades including his time at Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley.

I can also tell you I know of one instance where a San Bernardino County Animal Control employee took euth drugs from the county to euthanize a friend’s dogs in that friend’s vehicle because the friend did not want to spend the money at the vet to have them put down.  He was not a resident of the county nor of any of the contract cities.

Euth drugs are highly regulated controlled substances.  Misuse is a federal felony, I believe.  There are too many stories out there for too many years for there not to be something there.  I’ve heard additional information, but am not going to share that at this point.

If anyone has any tips or inside information, please use the contact form on the menu above.  You can make up a name and email address to remain anonymous.

Finally, here is a link to a blog about the Humane Society you might find interesting.  Several entries down is a story from the Press Enterprise they have long since taken off of their site.

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