Wednesday, September 16, 2015

InlandPolitics: GOP Debate: Thinning out the crowd!

The stage is set for the CNN Reagan Library Debate next week in California, with Carly Fiorina joining 10 other leading Republican presidential candidates at 8 p.m. ET.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 -09:00 a.m.

It’s time to start thinning out the crowd.

Tonight’s second GOP debate, hosted by CNN (a.k.a. Clinton News Network), will begin the painful process of weeding out the empty suits in the current filed of 16 candidates.

The festivities will commence with the kid’s table of four ‘candidates-in-name-only’ at 4:00 p.m., followed by the main event at 6:00 p.m..

Tonight’s event, being held at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, was increased to accommodate Carly Fiorina, who nevertheless continues to perform poorly in the polls.

All the so-called experts say Trump has the target on his forehead. He’s purportedly going to be the focus of all the bottom-feeders, who are desperate to strike a chord with voters to jump-start their dying campaigns.

Expect illegal immigration to be the primary driver here.

Carson has started to make pro-amnesty murmurings, while Fiorina has come out against deportations.

In other words, most of the field won’t really do anything about the problem, especially the imaginary border, with its fake fences and walls.

If illegal immigration stays at the forefront, Trump will win hands down.

For decades, average Americans have been deluged with a plethora of campaign platforms, term papers, white papers, blah… blah….blah!

They now realize it’s been all false promises followed by myriad of excuses from the elected president as to why what was promised just can’t be done.

How many presidents have promised to balance the budget in ten years? It hasn’t happened yet!

Expect the moderators to pound on Trump. They’ll use everything they know fair and unfair to trip him up.

It may work! But then again it might not.

Just ask Megan Kelly from Fox News Channel.

Break out the popcorn and beverage…….

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