Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cajon’s Kayla Washington commits to Washington St.

Cajon’s Kayla Washington Cajon High senior basketball player Kayla Washington wanted to make her verbal commitment before the season began, but she was waiting for what she felt was the right offer. On Sunday, she got it. And on Monday … Continue reading

Friday night Football updates

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Roundup: Yucaipa volleyball shutout Cajon

Volleyball YUCAIPA 3, CAJON 0 >> Janell Walley had 11 kills with 26 assists and three aces for the Thunderbirds (12-2, 3-0) in the Citrus Belt League game against the Cowgirls, 25-13, 25-13, 25-12. Marissa Holt had nine kills while McKenna … Continue reading

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Wisconsin week in review

Here’s a quickie rundown and review of recent Wisconsin political stories. WONDER BOY FAILS WONDERFULLY On Monday at 5PM Walker dropped out of the race. Well, technically he “suspended his campaign”. This LA Times cartoon sums it up for us. And this cartoon by Phil Hands sums up the average Wisconsinite’s response: Tomorrow's @WiStateJournal cartoon more »

Friday, September 25, 2015

Scott Walker plans a not so “unintimidated” public appearance in Beaver Dam today

Update: I have confirmation from Madison radio journalist Michael Crute that Scott Walker will be at the site at Noon today. I had this information 1 hour and 45 minutes in advance of the so-called “public event”. Site: Apache Stainless, 200 Industrial Dr, Beaver Dam, WI Google Map Street view Just to record what goes more »

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Video: “Walker’s critics celebrate, supporters reminisce …”

Despite having no more than a few hours notice of the 5PM press conference announcing Walker’s drop out from the presidential campaign, protesting Wisconsinites were ready, able, and willing to serenade Wisconsin’s delusional governor. This TMJ4 footage includes just a SNIPPET of protest singing. This brief broadcast also includes snippets from Wisconsinites who do not more »

Monday, September 21, 2015

Gawker seeks details on “a very bad story” connected with Scott Walker

It seems that both Republican communications operative Liz Mair and a writer with Buzzfeed are hinting about either the same scandalous story or differing stories that is/are related to Scott Walker – but neither is releasing the details to the public. Frustrating. Gawker is asking readers to help spill the beans completely. Gawker is providing more »

Scott Walker dropping out of campaign, 5PM Central Time, Edgewater Hotel, Madison

Wow. I expected him to hang in another month and a half! News Conference: 5PM Central Time Edgewater Hotel Madison, Wisconsin More details here. You just finished reading Scott Walker dropping out of campaign, 5PM Central Time, Edgewater Hotel, Madison! Consider leaving a comment!Visit bluecheddar.net for more news and opinion. You can contact blue cheddar more »

The Los Angeles Times: California posts solid jobs growth; unemployment rate falls to 6.1%

unemployment down

By Shan Li
September 18, 2015

California’s employers kept up their hiring run in August, adding 36,200 nonfarm payroll jobs and pushing down the unemployment rate to 6.1%.

That’s a slight drop from July’s jobless rate of 6.2%, and the lowest level since January 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nationwide, the jobless rate slid to 5.1% in August, down from 5.3% the month before.

“California scored another impressive gain in jobs,” said Lynn Reaser, an economist at Point Loma Nazarene University. “Despite various head winds, especially those caused by the slowdown in China and emerging markets, California’s economy continues to show solid momentum.”

California added more jobs than any other state, including Florida, which came in second with a gain of 19,600 positions.

Since August 2014, California has gained 470,000 jobs, a 3% annual growth rate that has outpaced the national average of 2.1%. A year ago, the state unemployment rate was 7.4%.

The increase in jobs last month came after a robust showing in June, although that figure was revised down slightly to 80,500.

Gains were spread across several sectors. Government jobs showed the biggest month-over-month increase, with 31,300 added in August. Much of that is the result of an early start to the academic year at many public schools, economists said.
See the most-read stories this hour >>

The leisure and hospitality sector reported 10,600 net new jobs, and the trade, transportation and utilities sector added 7,900 positions. The information sector, which includes the entertainment industry and parts of the tech industry tied to Silicon Valley, added 1,000 jobs. Education and health services gained 3,800 positions.

The construction industry, which reported only 700 more jobs, has seen the biggest growth over the last year. Compared with August 2014, the sector is up 6.5% with 43,800 additional jobs.

To read expanded article, click here.

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

NBC: Carly Fiorina Won GOP Debate, but Trump Still Leads: NBC Online Survey


By John Lapinski and Allison Kopicki
September 20, 2015

More than a third of Republican voters say that Carly Fiorina performed best in the Wednesday night debate on CNN. But debate performances don’t translate into vote preference overnight, and Donald Trump maintains his position at the top of the Republican pack, according to the latest NBC News online survey conducted by SurveyMonkey from Wednesday through Friday.

The Debate

When the candidates’ negative performance percentages are subtracted from their positive percentages, Fiorina emerges the clear winner, with a positive 34, whereas Trump nets a positive 2 among Republican voters who watched or followed the debate coverage. Marco Rubio and Ben Carson also received positive reviews from Republican voters who followed the debate, with net scores of 8 and 5. Rand Paul fared poorly, scoring a negative 13.
Dann, Caroline (206104031)

Republican debate watchers were divided over who appeared most presidential during the debate. Despite a tepid score for his overall debate performance, 17% of Republican voters said that Trump was the most presidential — but that wasn’t significantly different than Carly Fiorina or Jeb Bush (14%) or Ben Carson (13%). Marco Rubio was the only other candidate to get a double-digit score on appearing presidential, with 11%.

The Primary

Debates alone rarely move poll numbers in big ways, and Trump continues to lead the crowded field with 29 percent of Republican and independent voters who lean Republican saying they would cast their vote for him. Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina remain on an upward trajectory, now filling in the second and third spots. Jeb Bush is holding steady at 8%, about the same level of support he’s seen since April in NBC News/SurveyMonkey polling. During that same period, Scott Walker has seen his support shrink from 12% to just 3% in our latest poll.

However, nearly a third of Republican voters now say that they expect Donald Trump will be the eventual nominee. When we first asked the question back in April, Trump and Fiorina had not yet announced their candidacies, and Scott Walker was leading the field. Back then, 24% thought Jeb Bush would be the eventual nominee. More than 1 in 5 currently say they don’t know who will win, showing that there’s still plenty of time for candidates to rise and fall during the next few months, as voters start to make up their minds.

To read expanded article, click here.

The post NBC: Carly Fiorina Won GOP Debate, but Trump Still Leads: NBC Online Survey appeared first on InlandPolitics.com.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bernie Sanders appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Would you believe this was the first time I tuned into Colbert’s new show on CBS? Enjoy. Colbert cracking jokes on the presidential election [backup link]: The Interview [backup link]: Date of appearance: 09/18/2015 You just finished reading Bernie Sanders appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert! Consider leaving a comment!Visit bluecheddar.net for more more »

Friday, September 18, 2015

Wisconsin State Journal only employs white people

I’m embarrassed that I’m so late to the party on this issue. I learned this yesterday and promptly felt like puking: “..the Wisconsin State Journal, the newspaper that proudly proclaims itself “Madison’s largest reporting team,” the second-largest newspaper in the state and the newspaper of record for our entire region, is an all-white newspaper.” SOURCE: more »

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

InlandPolitics: GOP Debate: Thinning out the crowd!

The stage is set for the CNN Reagan Library Debate next week in California, with Carly Fiorina joining 10 other leading Republican presidential candidates at 8 p.m. ET.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 -09:00 a.m.

It’s time to start thinning out the crowd.

Tonight’s second GOP debate, hosted by CNN (a.k.a. Clinton News Network), will begin the painful process of weeding out the empty suits in the current filed of 16 candidates.

The festivities will commence with the kid’s table of four ‘candidates-in-name-only’ at 4:00 p.m., followed by the main event at 6:00 p.m..

Tonight’s event, being held at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, was increased to accommodate Carly Fiorina, who nevertheless continues to perform poorly in the polls.

All the so-called experts say Trump has the target on his forehead. He’s purportedly going to be the focus of all the bottom-feeders, who are desperate to strike a chord with voters to jump-start their dying campaigns.

Expect illegal immigration to be the primary driver here.

Carson has started to make pro-amnesty murmurings, while Fiorina has come out against deportations.

In other words, most of the field won’t really do anything about the problem, especially the imaginary border, with its fake fences and walls.

If illegal immigration stays at the forefront, Trump will win hands down.

For decades, average Americans have been deluged with a plethora of campaign platforms, term papers, white papers, blah… blah….blah!

They now realize it’s been all false promises followed by myriad of excuses from the elected president as to why what was promised just can’t be done.

How many presidents have promised to balance the budget in ten years? It hasn’t happened yet!

Expect the moderators to pound on Trump. They’ll use everything they know fair and unfair to trip him up.

It may work! But then again it might not.

Just ask Megan Kelly from Fox News Channel.

Break out the popcorn and beverage…….

The post InlandPolitics: GOP Debate: Thinning out the crowd! appeared first on InlandPolitics.com.

Town of Apple Valley water company takeover

I’ve asked in the past for any information on the purchase of Apple Valley Ranchos by the Town of Apple Valley.  It’s one of those things that most of us understand is tainted by the corrupt five members of the Apple Valley Town Council, and probably their city manager and staff, but we cannot pinpoint the issues.

I’ve asked various sources who are close to the town council.  This is typical of the responses I have received:

Town of AV has been trying to be a water purveyor since day one. Their first attempts were with a water system that the town built around the airport back in or around 1990. They got all the property owners to pay a special assessment. the town built the water system, water storage tank on the side of Bell mountain pipe lines fire hydrants everything you need to start building a thriving industrial park around the airport. Except they didn’t design it with enough capacity to handle the fire flow or charge the fire sprinkler systems required in large industrial buildings. Property owners wound up with a tax bill with a monster assessment for a water system that was worthless for its intended purpose. Bottom line they got ripped-off and many of the property owners dumped the property. Which of course got picked up by Town of Apple Valley good ol boy Tom Rhubic(sp). expect more of the same if they do this.

And worse.

I’ve never had the time to research some of their pet projects such as the Apple Valley Golf Course, but insiders say that if I did, I would find family members, trusts, etc., that greatly benefited by its purchase.  Even Barb Stanton, who was so opposed to it until she was elected to the council, benefited.

Then you’ve got the two council members who live(d) together and there is a whole other mess of who is voting to help their “friends.”  Apple Valley is one dirty little secret after another.  It is almost an impenetrable cult of politicos and their friends using their influence and making money off the backs of its unknowing citizens.

Anyway, last night I received this email:

Could you pass this along to Sharon Gilbert? Too hot for me to handle and I think if you published it, they might link back to me.
The attached is a public records request from a law firm looking into irregularities with the way that the Town of Apple Valley has used Prop 218 to raise sewer rates.
The reason it’s a big deal is because this firm has one some pretty big settlements against cities in California that have violated Prop 218 to raise utility rates.
Here are a few examples:

Attached was this document: AV Water Takeover

We are still looking for information. This takeover stinks to high heaven but we don’t know the exact source. I’m sure glad I no longer live in town limits. I hate to think of what the water Nazis will do once they have control over our most precious resource.

The backlash on Bernie Sanders begins!

Despite the fact that this [barely functioning] blog has tried to be Wisconsin-centric, I’m going to try to do some more posts to help people keep up on Bernie Sanders news. —————————————————-   It appears that the establishment and its candidates have decided to quit dismissing Bernie Sanders and start attacking Bernie Sanders. The guy more »

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

If Walker could see past his enormous ego, he’d realize he’s in 7th place and has no chance

Scott Walker only has 2% in the latest national ABC poll. The average of Scott Walker’s national polls put him in 7th place according to Real Clear Politics. The Republican Party only needs 1 nominee to run for president. I suppose it’s very difficult for a megalomaniac to quit looking in the mirror long enough more »

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Friday Night Football: follow all the action

Follow along as we send updated from all the Friday night football action in the area … Share this

Friday, September 11, 2015

Week 2 fearless football predictions

My Week 1 was much worse than my Week 0 picking games. Week 0: 25-7 record, Week 1, 28-13. Like I did in Week 0, I got 1 winning margin exactly correct. Week 0, it was Cajon by 9 over … Continue reading

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Sacramento Bee: Final rush of legislating follows Labor Day events

California Capitol

Capitol Alert
By Jim Miller
September 7, 2015

  • Several Sacramento-area Democratic lawmakers attend labor council picnic Monday
  • State Sen. Richard Pan says his tobacco tax measure has a chance
  • Hundreds of bills eligible for floor votes in Democrat-controlled Legislature before deadline

Lawmakers soaked up the sun and applause at Labor Day picnics around California on Monday, a respite of friendly crowds before a final rush of legislating that begins Tuesday.

Four days remain before Friday’s midnight legislative deadline. Hundreds of bills await floor votes; lobbying is intense on multiple measures; and three of the Legislature’s four caucuses have picked new leaders or leaders-elect in recent days, possibly injecting a new dynamic into end-of-session negotiations.

Senate Bill 350 remains the most debated measure heading into the final week. The bill by Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León, and backed by Gov. Jerry Brown, aims to reduce motor vehicle fuel consumption and increase the use of renewable energy. After passing the Senate in June, the measure faces uncertain prospects in the Assembly, where more moderate Democrats representing inland districts have demanded changes.

“How do we do it right and do it smart?” Assemblyman Jim Cooper, D-Elk Grove, said in an interview Monday during the Sacramento Central Labor Council’s picnic at Raley Field, where hundreds of union members and their families turned out for a barbecue, speeches and the River Cats game. “There’s been some movement on it, but we still don’t have the full picture. Negotiations are still taking place.”

Other major outstanding issues include legislation that would help clear a path for the unionization of child-care providers, a possible road-repair funding package and whether programs that serve nearly 300,000 people with developmental disabilities will receive more money, possibly from higher taxes. Tax increases would require two-thirds votes, meaning they would need the support of every Democrat and at least some Republican lawmakers.

State Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, the author of a health special session bill that would raise taxes on tobacco products, said he was “cautiously optimistic” it will pass before Friday’s regular-session deadline. Special-session work could extend into the fall, but there is little sign that will occur.

“There’s nothing that focuses the mind like a deadline,” Pan said at the Raley Field picnic. “We’re committed to making this happen.”

Cooper is among the Democrats who have publicly remained on the fence about SB 350. Cooper said he supports the goal of clean air, but said he wants assurances that the legislation will not saddle disproportionate costs on residents of his district and other inland areas.

To read expanded article, click here.

The post The Sacramento Bee: Final rush of legislating follows Labor Day events appeared first on InlandPolitics.com.