Monday, July 13, 2015

The Washington Post: Trump’s trash talk: The 23 people and institutions he slammed in a single speech

Donald Trump

Donald Trump displays a document showing his net worth during his presidential campaign announcement last month in New York. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

By Philip Rucker
July 13, 2015 at 5:00 AM

PHOENIX — It is common for political candidates to go on the attack. But it is almost unheard of for a presidential candidate, in a single speech, to slam as many people and institutions — and with as much disparaging, colorful gusto — as Donald Trump did here on Saturday.

Below is a sampling of the subjects of the Republican presidential candidate and billionaire celebrity’s ire, in the order in which he delivered his zingers during his 70-minute speech before thousands of supporters at the Phoenix Convention Center.

Sen. John McCain (WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP/Getty Images)

1. John McCain, Republican senator from Arizona

“We have [an immigration] situation that’s absolutely out of control. We have incompetent politicians, not only the president. I mean, right here in your own state, you have John McCain. I just hate to see when people don’t have common sense, don’t have an understanding of what’s going on or perhaps don’t want to know. Maybe it’s campaign contributions, maybe it’s special interests, maybe it’s lobbyists. But for some reason, some people don’t get it, and I don’t think they’ll be in office much longer….

“You hear our politicians. John McCain, two days, ‘Oh, Benghazi!’ You don’t hear about it anymore… I’m more disappointed in the Republicans in many ways. They talk and talk and talk.”

2. Political pundits

“When I announced [for president], everybody said, ‘He’s never gonna run.’… These are real knowledgeable people. They don’t know anything. Then they said, ‘He’ll never file his FEC paper.’ Well, I filed that two weeks ago. Then they said, ‘He’ll never file his financials because he’s not as rich as people think.’ They’ll get filed during this week.”

3. Immigration reform advocates

“Every once in a while, I’ll see a rally and it’s put up by the Mexican government, in my opinion. People come in, they’re so perfect, they’re like central casting. And you know how long the rallies last? Like about 12 minutes. They go home.”


“A friend of mine in Paris wrote, ‘Oh, Donald, it’s too bad about ESPN.’ Do you know what they do? They rented my golf club for a day. They put up a big deposit. I took their deposit and then I rented it to somebody else. I made two for the price of one!”


“All over the word, [headlines read], ‘NASCAR drops Trump.’ I said, ‘NASCAR?’ And then friends of mine call up from Europe: ‘Donald, it’s too bad about NASCAR.’ You know what that one was? They rented a banquet hall at Trump National Doral [in Miami]. I took their deposit and you know what? I just rented it for much more money than they were paying.”

To read entire story, click here.

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