Thursday, July 30, 2015

Walker’s Philadelphia cheesesteak mockery

Several Philly tourists not amused with Scott Walker crashing their lunch. Overheard: “Stand in line with the rest of us.” “Who is that?” — Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) July 28, 2015 This is silly but sometimes you just gotta stop, smell the roses, and indulge in some mockery of Scott Walker’s cheesesteak choices. It’s the standard more »

The Sun: Supervisors authorize rewards to stop wildfire drone operations


By Joe Nelson, The Sun
Posted: 07/28/15 – 11:54 AM PDT |

San Bernardino County supervisors on Tuesday approved $75,000 to be used as reward money for information leading to the arrest and conviction of illegal drone operators who forced the grounding of aerial firefighters during recent wildfires in the San Bernardino Mountains and High Desert.

“It’s an issue that is drastically affecting first-responders in tackling fires here in San Bernardino County,” Board of Supervisors Chairman James Ramos said.

The Board of Supervisors approved the allocation on a 4-0 vote. Supervisor Robert Lovingood was absent.

U.S. Forest Service spokesman John Miller said there have been five drone incidents in the last six weeks that hindered firefighters in their attempts to battle wildland fires. During the North fire, in the High Desert and Cajon Pass, aerial firefighting efforts were hindered for 26 minutes when a drone was spotted hovering in restricted airspace.

But the issue is not new. Miller said the Forest Service has been discussing and preparing for the problem of unmanned aircraft at wildland fires for more than a year.

“Who would have imagined that out of 155 national forests spread across this country, that we would have four fires in San Bernardino County on the San Bernardino National Forest, with five drone incidents,” Miller told the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday. “Outside of this county, we have had one incident involving a recon aircraft in Northern California. So just as it has been somewhat a surprise to the county, it also has been for us.”

The North fire ignited near the 15 Freeway in the Cajon Pass on July 17, jumping the freeway and destroying or damaging 30 vehicles. Five drones were spotted above the fire, and planes and helicopters dropping flame retardant or water on the blaze were ordered away from the area for the pilots’ safety, officials said.

Drones were also responsible for the grounding of firefighter aircraft during the Mill 2, Lake and the June 25 Sterling Fire, which burned 100 acres east of Del Rosa Avenue in San Bernardino.

The Lake fire was reported about 4 p.m. on June 17, burning more than 31,000 acres on the eastern flank of the San Bernardino Mountains, destroying one home, three outbuildings and causing minor injuries to six firefighters, according to the U.S. Forest Service. Pilots preparing to drop retardant on the blaze were forced to jettison their load, turn around and land after spotting an orange or red drone that cut between two of the planes at an elevation of about 12,000 feet.

Federal law mandates that drones fly no more than 400 feet in altitude.

The continual presence of drones at wildfires in the last month has prompted elected officials to propose legislation cracking down on illegal drone users.

On July 10, Rep. Paul Cook, R-Apple Valley, introduced his proposed Wildfire Airspace Protection Act of 2015, which would make it a federal offense to fly a drone that interferes with firefighting operations on federal lands.

To read expanded article, click here.

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Walker’s Philadelphia cheesesteak mockery

Several Philly tourists not amused with Scott Walker crashing their lunch. Overheard: “Stand in line with the rest of us.” “Who is that?” — Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) July 28, 2015 This is silly but sometimes you just gotta stop, smell the roses, and indulge in some mockery of Scott Walker’s cheesesteak choices. It’s the standard more »

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

WI Supreme Court “went well beyond what any court has ever held in opening the floodgates to secret money in politics”

Brendan Fischer of PRWatch was recently interviewed by Janine Jackson of A couple of exerpts: JJ: Well, it sounds as though the charge was that Walker actively sought to skirt finance laws and that the ruling is: Yes, he did, but it’s OK? I mean, help us to understand exactly what happened here. BF: That’s about right. more »

The Press-Enterprise: MENIFEE: Ex-councilman pleads guilty to abusing power

Menifee Seal

By Alex Groves / Staffg Writer
Published: July 27, 2015
Updated: July 28, 2015 – 11:22 a.m.

Former Menifee City Councilman Tom Fuhrman pleaded guilty Monday to multiple charges of abusing his power, as part of an agreement with prosecutors.

To read expanded article by Alex Groves in The Press-Enterprise, click here.

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Monday, July 27, 2015

Republican presidential candidates cluster accounts at bank with only 1 branch in McLean, Virginia

Hmmmmm. From Bloomberg: “According to the most recent Federal Election Commission filings, Chain Bridge is the sole bank serving Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign, which reported raising $11.4 million as of June 30, and his allied super-PAC, Right to Rise, which says it’s raised $103 million so far. Donald Trump’s campaign banks at Chain Bridge, and it’s more »

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Trump nails Walker on crumbling roads, deficit, underfunded education, Common Core flip-flops

Times are strange when you’re pleased to hear from Donald Trump, eh? What’s really wild is not only do I enjoy hearing Trump slam Walker, I have to admit that Trump is essentially telling the truth about the state of affairs in Wisconsin and about Walker’s flip-flops on Common Core. Donald Trump says he wasn’t more »

Wisconsinite dissents in chalk: “WEASEL WHORE HOUSE”

The dissent: The chalker, who prefers to remain anonymous, gave me permission to upload this photo here. If you have questions about the use of the word “whore” in Wisconsin see this. You just finished reading Wisconsinite dissents in chalk: "WEASEL WHORE HOUSE"! Consider leaving a comment!Visit for more news and opinion. You can more »

Saturday, July 25, 2015

“Scott Walker is not Joe McCarthy, but his technique is similar”

This is a bit from an opinion piece by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post: “Scott Walker is not Joe McCarthy, but his technique is similar: He suggests that the nation’s ills can be cured by fighting labor unions (foremost among the “big government special interests” hurting America), even though unions represent just 11 percent more »

Friday, July 24, 2015

The San Francisco Chronicle: Mexican official says Trump’s rant on border serves no purpose

Jose Antonio Meade

Mexican secretary of state Jose Antonio Meade discusses illegal immigration at the San Francisco Chronicle in San Francisco, Calif., on Wednesday, July 22, 2015. Photo: Liz Hafalia, The Chronicle (Photo: Liz Hafalia, The Chronicle)

By Carla Marinucci
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Updated: July 22, 2015 8:56pm

After weeks of presidential candidate Donald Trump lobbing sharp criticism and insults at America’s southern neighbor, Mexico’s secretary of state delivered his country’s first response Wednesday, saying that Trump’s views are rooted in prejudice and “have no place in politics.”

José Antonio Meade Kuribreña broke his government’s silence on Trump’s charge that Mexico is sending criminals and rapists across the border and on the shooting death of 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco earlier this month by a Mexican immigrant who had no legal status. Meade Kuribreña called her death a tragic and “random act of violence” that should not “be used to drive” immigration policy in the United States.

In an interview with The Chronicle editorial board, Meade Kuribreña said Trump’s statements “are colored by prejudice, racism — or just plain ignorance — that’s not a good and positive sign. Any combination of the three does not help the debate, does not help politics.” Even after his remarks on Mexico, Trump is leading the field of 16 candidates in the GOP presidential race.

On the Pier 14 killing of Steinle — Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, a Mexican with a string of felonies and deportations, has been charged with murder in her death — Meade Kuribreña said: “Our hearts and our prayers go out to the family of Kate Steinle. … The taking of life of a young woman is really tragic. But what’s even a worse tragedy is trying to make that an element in a policy debate.

“It was a random act of violence that could have been committed by anyone,” he continued. “We don’t think it should be used to drive policy — regardless of who the perpetrator was, we don’t think that it is an indication, in general, of trends in immigration.”

Calls S.F. policy beneficial

Asked about his view of San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy, which limits the authority of the Sheriff’s Department to honor requests from federal immigration officials to hold suspects beyond their scheduled jail release, Meade Kuribreña said overall it was beneficial to both sides.

To read expanded article, click here.

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

InlandPolitics: As Crude Oil falls below $50 per barrel, California price gouge continues on

Gas Prices

Wednesday, July 22, 2015 – 08:00 a.m.

An uptick in crude oil inventory and the impending sale of Iranian oil on the global market has kept downward pressure on prices.

Early Wednesday morning Crude Oil is trading around $49-$50 per barrel. That’s more than half of it’s high from last summer.

California unleaded gasoline prices, however, have barely moved down, let’s say one t0 three cents per gallon. That’s it!

Refiners, while reporting record gross profits, have been selling the idea that supplies are tight, thus prices are high. It’s all about supply and demand they say. Even though state gas supply numbers show no tangible shortage.

The California Energy Commission will release last weeks refinery numbers later today.

We’ll update the inventory and production numbers to see if the gas shortage has materialized.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

One of the shady recipients of Walker’s WEDC welfare faces criminal investigation (finally)

As blogger lufthase puts it, “If WEDC had done a simple search on Green Box chairman Ronald Van Den Heuvel before making this loan, they’d have found at least 8 six-figure judgements from 2008 to 2011 against him or the many, many companies he has registered at the same address as Green Box.” Basically, Scott more »

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Lou Desmond & Company Show: 1,200 Guns Found in Deceased Man’s Home, Diplomatic Relations with Cuba, Planned Parenthood Videos Surface

Lou Desmond

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 – 05:00 p.m.

The Lou Desmond and Company Show is coming to you from the Toyota of San Bernardino Recording Studios!

Tonight, Vince from Bullseye Sport joins the show to talk about the finding of 1,200 guns at a man’s home. Then, how would Hillary and Bernie handle gun ownership?

After that, Paul Chabot, candidate for Congress, joins Lou and Vince to talk about the restoration of diplomatic ties Cuba, the country Vince was born in. Should the ties be resumed with the communist country? Finally, another disgusting Planned Parenthood video was released today. What do Lou, Vince and Paul have to say about it?

To listen to the full show, click here.

Follow Lou on Twitter @WiseGuyLou and on Facebook at “The Lou Desmond & Company Show.”

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The Lou Desmond & Company Show: Motorists Charged Thousands for Towing, Clintonomics, White Lives Matter Gets Booed

Lou Desmond

Monday, July 20, 2015 – 04:30 p.m.

The Lou Desmond and Company Show is coming to you from the Toyota of San Bernardino Recording Studios!

Tonight, Estimable Economist Jay Prag joins the show on this, the 46th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing. He and Lou discuss some high towing bills that were a result of the North Fire, which broke out on I-15 this weekend.

After that, the topic is Clintonomics. Hillary wants a fairer economy. But what was unfair? She wants to be the best small business president ever. How is that any different than big businesses?

Then, Donald Trump is in hot water … again. And the Netroots convention, Martin O’Malley was booed for saying “all lives matter.” Finally, 2.5 illegal immigrants have entered the country under the Obama Administration.

To listen to the full show, click here.

Follow Lou on Twitter @WiseGuyLou and on Facebook at “The Lou Desmond & Company Show.”

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Round-up of Wisco news: Walker puzzled by gayness, Walker v. G.A.B., 20 wk. abortion ban, MORE

These seem like the key WI political stories from the last 3 or 4 days. If I missed something, please do leave it in a comment. WALKER AND GAYNESS This is how conservative blog NewsMax frames it: Gay marriage opponent and Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker said in a CNN interview broadcast on Sunday he more »

InlandPolitics: Gas prices start to “inch” down

Gas Prices

Sunday, July 19, 2015 – 10:00 a.m.

California wholesale gas prices have fallen about 50 cents a gallon in the past 48-hours. But don’t wait for pump prices to fall significantly anytime soon.

Pump prices at some Inland Empire gas stations dropped 2 cents per gallon overnight.

It’s called the second-half of the price gouge, and oil companies are raking in millions in excess profits.

With crude oil hovering at $50.78 per barrel, and with an long-term outlook of further price declines, California driver’s continue to get hosed. The fleecing is likely to continue for at least another month. While the price of crude oil has fallen over $10 a barrel in the past thirty days, California gas prices have done nothing but go up.

Here’s the latest storyline update:

  • The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) will not allow the ExxonMobil Torrance Refinery resume full operations without a proper piece of emissions equipment the company says will “take time” to restore. Instead of sixty days, it could be six months. Currently the refinery is operating at 20% of capacity.
  • Tesoro has one of its refinery operations shutdown for “routine” maintenance in the middle of summer.
  • Crude oil supplies to refineries have dropped. Even though official state numbers don’t reflect any tangible shortage and the country is essentially awash in surplus supply.

The factors for the price gouging appear to be changing on a daily basis. On Friday, the California Energy Commission, the state’s so-called “regulator”, actually supported the oil company storyline.

According to, the average per gallon price of regular unleaded in California is currently at $3.895, followed by Alaska at $3.437 and Hawaii at $3.315.

Yes, an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean has gasoline an average of 58 cents per gallon cheaper than California!

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Monday, July 20, 2015

“Governor Walker, why are you trying to break my family apart?” – Leslie Flores

Because a new poll shows that Donald Trump polls nationally at 24% among Republican registered voters while Walker polls 13% I have to admit that I have no idea whether Walker’s comments to this family have an impact positive or negative within the Republican Party base. This guy’s tweet sums up their bigoted wingnuttery: "Obama's more »

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Iowa is smelling the BS around Walker’s Kohls speech

Iowans are learning that Scott Walker doled out over $68 million to Kohls. It’s undermining his “brown bag government” schtick. Excellent! If they keep pulling at loose threads on his stories they’re going to turn up tales of unaccountable millions in corporate welfare he gave out through WEDC. Des Moines Register has the story:  Some more »

Saturday, July 18, 2015

InlandPolitics: San Bernardino County not “over the hump” on pension costs

Pension Reform

Saturday, July 18, 2015 – 02:30 p.m.

Several months ago county administrators told the Board of Supervisors the county was over the hump on ever escalating pension cost increases.

Not a chance!

The county pension fund, San Bernardino County Employee’s Retirement Association (SBCERA), is about to deliver bad news, similar to what the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) just did.

That news was CalPERS didn’t meet its investment return objective to maintain expenses and benefit payments in 2014-15 fiscal year.

That hurdle, currently at 7.5%, is the annual threshold the fund must earn to stay above water. SBCERA has been battling to recover from heavy losses from the 2008 market collapse, when the fund lost more than a billion dollars. A battle that, as of yet, hasn’t resulted in much success.

It should also be noted that SBCERA also reduced it’s annual investment return assumption from an unrealistic 7.75% to a just as unrealistic 7.5% a few years ago. Ultimately the number will have to be reduced further, and soon.

Shortly, we’ll know just how much SBCERA missed its number by. Regardless of what the county has said previously, taxpayers will have to pony up millions more to continue shoring up the fund.

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Friday, July 17, 2015

InlandPolitics: Time for California legislators to give up free gas cards


Friday, July 17, 2015 – 10:00 a.m.

California legislators apparently could give a gee-whiz about the sky-high gasoline prices sucking millions out of their constituents pockets.

In the past ten days retail gas prices have shot up at a pace never seen before. The excuses given by oil companies and the talking heads for the current spike don’t hold water.

They never have.

But the legislature, save a few shallow sabre-rattling gestures, has done nothing. They know this is another typical California price gouge based upon non-existent events. They also know this kind of abuse will continue unless they act to punish the offenders.

But, higher tax revenues from spiked gasoline prices, key word here being taxes, is like a drug in a state that never has enough money to blow.

California legislators receive the perk of free gasoline, along with other little goodies. So they don’t really feel the pain of having to pay hundreds of dollars more for gas.

Taxpayers should demand the members of the Assembly and Senate turn in the gas credit cards until they fix the state’s broken oversight of the oil companies.

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Looks like my governor is cruisin’ through Iowa in a big gay RV

I sent this to George Takei Dear George: This is a photo of Scott Walker’s new RV. I must say, all I can see is an equal sign with those two red bars on the right. And when I see a red equal sign I am reminded of the red equal sign which you encouraged more »

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Memories of Late Daily Facts Reporter Ed Castro

I really enjoyed working with Ed Castro (who passed away Tuesday night) during his time at the Daily Facts. Since the Sun and Daily Fats both cover Redlands and we’re the same company, we’d trade information, coordinate coverage and sometimes … Continue reading

Appeal of John Doe decision to SCOTUS unlikely according to Hasen

This is from Hasen’s “Analysis of Wisconsin John Doe Ruling: Bad News for Campaign Finance Laws” U.S. Supreme Court review? The dissent notes that under the U.S. Supreme Court’s Caperton decision, the failure to recuse in this case could be a due process violation. At least theoretically, that’s an issue which could go to the more »

Monday, July 13, 2015

InlandPolitics: Wisconsin’s Walker enters GOP presidential field

Scott Walker

Monday, July 13, 2015 – 08:30 a.m.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker formally announced his entry into the GOP republican primary field on Monday morning.

Walker has a solid position to make the first debate cut and is polling strong in the lead-off state of Iowa.

Walker is likely the most vetted candidate in the field, successfully winning two election bids and a heavily-funded recall campaign.

The only remaining GOP contender to formally announce is Ohio Governor John Kasich.

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The Washington Post: Trump’s trash talk: The 23 people and institutions he slammed in a single speech

Donald Trump

Donald Trump displays a document showing his net worth during his presidential campaign announcement last month in New York. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

By Philip Rucker
July 13, 2015 at 5:00 AM

PHOENIX — It is common for political candidates to go on the attack. But it is almost unheard of for a presidential candidate, in a single speech, to slam as many people and institutions — and with as much disparaging, colorful gusto — as Donald Trump did here on Saturday.

Below is a sampling of the subjects of the Republican presidential candidate and billionaire celebrity’s ire, in the order in which he delivered his zingers during his 70-minute speech before thousands of supporters at the Phoenix Convention Center.

Sen. John McCain (WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP/Getty Images)

1. John McCain, Republican senator from Arizona

“We have [an immigration] situation that’s absolutely out of control. We have incompetent politicians, not only the president. I mean, right here in your own state, you have John McCain. I just hate to see when people don’t have common sense, don’t have an understanding of what’s going on or perhaps don’t want to know. Maybe it’s campaign contributions, maybe it’s special interests, maybe it’s lobbyists. But for some reason, some people don’t get it, and I don’t think they’ll be in office much longer….

“You hear our politicians. John McCain, two days, ‘Oh, Benghazi!’ You don’t hear about it anymore… I’m more disappointed in the Republicans in many ways. They talk and talk and talk.”

2. Political pundits

“When I announced [for president], everybody said, ‘He’s never gonna run.’… These are real knowledgeable people. They don’t know anything. Then they said, ‘He’ll never file his FEC paper.’ Well, I filed that two weeks ago. Then they said, ‘He’ll never file his financials because he’s not as rich as people think.’ They’ll get filed during this week.”

3. Immigration reform advocates

“Every once in a while, I’ll see a rally and it’s put up by the Mexican government, in my opinion. People come in, they’re so perfect, they’re like central casting. And you know how long the rallies last? Like about 12 minutes. They go home.”


“A friend of mine in Paris wrote, ‘Oh, Donald, it’s too bad about ESPN.’ Do you know what they do? They rented my golf club for a day. They put up a big deposit. I took their deposit and then I rented it to somebody else. I made two for the price of one!”


“All over the word, [headlines read], ‘NASCAR drops Trump.’ I said, ‘NASCAR?’ And then friends of mine call up from Europe: ‘Donald, it’s too bad about NASCAR.’ You know what that one was? They rented a banquet hall at Trump National Doral [in Miami]. I took their deposit and you know what? I just rented it for much more money than they were paying.”

To read entire story, click here.

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Friday, July 10, 2015

InlandPolitics: March Joint Powers Authority launches general aviation facility

March - Millionaire FBO

Friday, July 10, 2015 – 09:00 a.m.

The March Joint Powers Authority has officially launched its new general aviation facility and fixed base operation at March Air Reserve Base.

A quiet grand opening event was held back on May 6, 2015.

The kicker here?

The FBO is managed by Millionaire.

Millionaire, one of the largest fixed base operators in the country, is the very same company that walked on the FBO at neighboring San Bernardino International Airport (SBIA), after the company realized it had essentially signed a contract with Ringling Brothers Circus.

The 5,000-square-foot terminal is accompanied by a 150,000-square-foot ramp capable of handling almost any size aircraft. Let’s also not forget about the 13,301 foot runway length.

Anyways, the March facility appears to be top-notch and a likely draw for local aviation enthusiasts.

The development is another blow to efforts to resuscitate SBIA.

Congratulations on bringing forward a positive development for the region.

Thank you to Airport Director Gary Gosliga for including us in the media distribution.

To read the entire release, click the following link: A Hidden Secret Unveiled to General Aviation Enthusiasts in SoCal

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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Tannon Snow named Maxpreps National player of the Year

Chino Hills High School shortstop Tannon Snow admits keeping the secret wasn’t easy. And this was a really big secret. The Washington-bound standout has been named MaxPreps National Player of the Year, meaning she’s the best player in the entire … Continue reading

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Los Angeles Times: L.A. County supervisors move to consolidate power by weakening CEO’s job

Los Angeles County Chain of Command

A feud between Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, pictured, and former CEO William T Fujioka helped spur a return to a weaker CEO.

By Abby Sewell
July 7, 2015

They are called the “five little kings.”

Each represents a constituency of about 2 million people. Together, they oversee America’s largest local government agency, with a $27-billion budget and 100,000 employees.

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors decided to grant themselves even more power over the working of the vast bureaucracy.

The board unanimously approved a plan that would weaken the role of the county’s chief executive officer and give the five board members the authority to hire and fire department heads and work more directly within county government’s myriad agencies.

The shift comes after years of clashes between some supervisors and the chief executive officer, and after the election last year of two new board members — Hilda Solis and Sheila Kuehl — who have already taken an active role in key policy issues.

The change back to a weaker executive has many wondering whether the supervisors’ new power will result in more streamlined, decisive management or simply create more meddling by the elected officials and politicize the workings of government.

“In the short term, there will be a lot less conflict between the supervisors and the CEO’s office,” said Raphael Sonenshein, executive director of the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs at Cal State L.A. “The question is what’s it going to do for the daily operations… They won’t know when they’re too involved. They’ll think their involvement is just right. The other shoe to drop is how will it affect everybody else’s ability to do their job?”

Tuesday’s vote represents a reversal for the Board of Supervisors, which in 2007 gave the unelected chief executive officer more powers, including day-to-day management responsibilities and the authority to hire and fire department heads with board approval. Those changes were sparked in part by complaints that the supervisors were micromanaging the departments and giving conflicting marching orders, and that there was no single leader to hold accountable for the success or failure of initiatives.

To read entire story, click here.

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The Sacramento Bee: State Supreme Court rules in police personnel file case

California Supreme Court

July 7, 2015
By Sudhin Thanawala, Associated Press


The California Supreme Court ruled that prosecutors aren’t required to help defendants fight their criminal cases by reviewing the personnel files of police officers serving as witnesses.

The ruling Monday upholds the review process San Francisco and about a dozen other California counties use when preparing for criminal trials. Police review boards — rather than prosecutors — are tasked with reading investigating officers’ personnel files for evidence of misconduct or bias that could help exonerate criminal defendants.

The case at issue involved a San Francisco man accused of domestic violence. Prosecutors told defense attorneys that information in the files of two police officers being called as witnesses may contain evidence of misconduct or bias.

To read entire story, click here.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fitz says Walker was involved in attempted ax of open records law

I’ll keep this brief. Here’s the headline: Scott Fitzgerald: Scott Walker’s office was involved with open records changes The most important thing to take away is that Fitz and the boys will make another effort to cut you and the world off from legislative records: “I think it’s something that there are many different entities more »

InlandPolitics: Final cut coming for first GOP Presidential Debate

Fox GOP Republican Debate Chart - 07072015

Tuesday, July 7, 2015 – 03:00 p.m.

The Washington Post has setup a link to their website showing the averages of the latest national polling in the Republican Presidential Primary contest.

Only the top-10 in terms of highest to lowest polling will make the cut. Those who do not will be severely impacted from continuing forward.

Currently, the bottom nine of the field of eighteen can change significantly before the axe falls.

To reach the website, click here.

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2015 San Andreas League all-league baseball, softball

Here are San Andreas League spring all-league teams BASEBALL   For SOFTBALL, click below Share this

Daily Bulletin: Former Fontana Unified police dispatcher awarded more than $315,000

Fontana USD

By Joe Nelson, The Sun
Posted: 07/06/15 – 7:45 PM PDT |

A jury has awarded a former Fontana Unified School District police dispatcher more than $315,000 after she alleged she was fired for reporting a police officer accused of raping or sexually assaulting other dispatchers.

The jury awarded Jolee Berdnik $315,295 on Thursday in San Bernardino Superior Court following a monthlong trial, according to court records posted online and Berdnik’s attorney, Brian Hannemann. The attorney is representing three other current and former employees of Fontana Unified’s police services division in lawsuits claiming former police officer John Garcia sexually assaulted or raped them on school district grounds in 2010 and 2011.

Berdnik did not accuse Garcia of sexually assaulting or harassing her, but claimed in her lawsuit, filed in 2012, that she was let go during her probationary period in retaliation for reporting to her superiors what other dispatchers told her about Garcia’s alleged conduct.

“We are ecstatic that this jury saw through the lies and half-truths of those petty supervisors at school police who thought they could get away with this,” Hannemann said Monday. “Jolee Berdnik did the right thing. We all know it.”

Hannemann said one of the things that still “rankles” him is that the school district never thanked Berdnik for reporting Garcia, which ultimately led to his termination.

Maria Aarvig, the attorney representing the Fontana Unified School District in the litigation, declined to comment on Monday.

Olivier Wong Ah Sun, chief of staff for Fontana Unified Superintendent Leslie Boozer, released the following statement on Monday: “The Fontana Unified School District does not comment upon its personnel decisions but wishes to re-iterate that it is committed to ensuring the quality of its staff and a positive workplace environment for all our employees.”

To read entire story, click here.

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Daily Bulletin: Former candidate calls for recall of Montclair mayor, two councilmembers


By Grace Wong, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Posted: 07/06/15 – 10:13 PM PDT |

MONTCLAIR >> Tensions were high at Monday night’s City Council meeting when a resident accused the council of overpaying City Manager Ed Starr and called for a recall of the mayor and two councilmembers.

Sean Brunske, an unsuccessful candidate in the most recent City Council election, accused the council of negligence in the city’s parks, the city manager’s salary and the police force.

Brunske specifically pointed his comments toward Councilmember Carolyn Raft, saying that she did not have correct information on how much the city manager was being paid, which he argued was nearly half a million dollars including benefits, salary and retirement.

“The citizens of Montclair have had it so I’ve got a petition here for a recall of the mayor (Paul M. Eaton), Councilmember (Bill) Ruh and Councilmember (Trisha) Martinez,” Brunske said during the meeting. “And you know, Mrs. Raft, if you don’t know the numbers of your own city employees, you might as well just back right out as well just so we can make this a free-for-all and get some new people to run this city appropriately.”

But Brunske’s information was vehemently contradicted by both Starr and Finance Director Donald Parker, who said that his salary was inaccurately represented on the state controller’s website, when in reality, his salary is $220,000.

To read entire story, click here.

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Monday, July 6, 2015

The Sacramento Bee: Opinion: Politics, self-interest infest construction of California’s schools

Dan Walters

By Dan Walters
July 5, 2015

  • Capital appreciation bonds accumulate interest costs
  • Los Angeles district wants to change low-bid rules
  • Leaseback court ruling could undo deals

One might think that school construction would be about as simple and straightforward as anything government does.

However, like any governmental activity involving lots of money, school construction is fraught with self-serving interests and politics.

Take, for example, the now-infamous practice of issuing capital appreciation school construction bonds.

Local school officials who should have known better drank the Kool-Aid offered by fast-talking “financial consultants” and issued voter-approved bonds that would accumulate interest costs for decades without any repayments – not unlike the “teaser rate” mortgages that lenders doled out to unqualified homebuyers.

San Diego County’s Poway Unified School District is the poster child for this fiscal malpractice, having borrowed $105 million. It’s now committed to paying back $1 billion long after those who made the bad decision have departed.

Reacting to the furor that erupted when the scheme was revealed, Poway and other districts that issued similar bonds are now trying to restructure them.

Meanwhile, however, the Los Angeles Unified School District is seeking state permission to depart from the traditional process of giving construction contracts to lowest bidders.

Instead, it wants to use “best value procurement,” which is more subjective than competitive bidding.

To read entire column, click here.

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The Washington Post: 3 big ways the crisis in Greece could affect Americans personally


Demonstrators hold flags and banners in front of Parliament in Athens in February. (Simela Pantzartzi/EPA)

By Ylan Q. Mui
July 5, 2015 at 2:55 PM

The financial crisis in Greece has upended the lives — and livelihoods — of residents of the Mediterranean nation. The shutdown of the banking system has resulted in long lines at ATMs to withdraw a daily maximum of just 60 euros, about $67. Citizens have stockpiled food and fuel, leading to empty shelves at grocery stores and crowded gas stations. Business leaders have warned that shortages of crucial medicines could be next.

It is the worst economic downturn faced by any developed nation since World War II. It strikes at the heart of the single currency that unites the 19-member euro zone and threatens to destabilize a fragile region.

But for Main Street U.S.A., the ripple effects are few and far between. Here are the three big ways the Greek debt crisis — which is likely to intensify in coming days, after Greece rejected a European bailout package Sunday — could affect you personally, from your stock market and summer travel plans to how much it costs to buy a house.

1) Your 401(k) could get scary

Markets around the world plunged after negotiations broke down late last month between Greece and its European creditors. The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index logged its worst day so far this year, falling more than 2 percent. Analysts worried that the turmoil in Greece could signal the end of the six-year bull market in the United States. For those with a 401(k) retirement savings plan, the sell-off was a painful reminder of the volatility on Wall Street during the 2008 global financial crisis.

But it didn’t appear to last — at least, not so far. U.S. markets regained much of their ground the next day and ended the short holiday trading week well off their lows. A recent survey of investors by Barclays found that more than half thought that even a worst-case scenario in which Greece gets booted from the euro zone would register only as a blip in global markets. The United States has little direct exposure to the Greek debt crisis, and central banks have done a lot to set up firewalls against a broader panic. Only if the crisis spread badly to other countries such as Portugal and Italy would there be true reason for concern.

2) Your vacation could get cheaper

The instability in Europe and the massive stimulus program by the region’s central bank have sent the euro plunging against the dollar. The currency hit a 12-year low in March — of $1.05 — before inching back up. But it began sliding again in mid-June as the crisis in Greece ramped up.

To read entire story, click here.

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InlandPolitics: Ouch! Did PR stunt backfire?

Mike Ramos

Sunday, July 5, 2015 – 02:30 p.m.

Did the cute stunt backfire?

San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos might have expected to draw the same nationwide press coverage he received from his months-ago attack on Former Daily Show Host Jon Stewart.

If that’s case. It didn’t work.

This time Ramos took aim at Billionaire and GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump, over his comments on Mexican Nationals, who cross into the U.S. illegally.

The story only ran in local newspapers and didn’t catch any national media attention.


But something unexpected did happen.

The comments related to the story have been overwhelmingly brutal against Ramos, who has already announced his candidacy for California Attorney General.

In other words the attack on Trump would appear to be more about generating PR, than really protesting Trump’s words. It also seems more like a jaded play to endear himself to California’s democratic leadership, whose support he would need for confirmation, if he were to get a Jerry Brown appointment to the position of attorney general, in the likely event Kamala Harris moves on to the U.S. Senate in 2016.

After all, Ramos was a lifelong democrat until he entered local politics.

Here’s a smattering of the comments on The Sun newspaper website:

Ward Damon Hubbard • 3 days ago

As a Native American Hawaiian, who was raised in San Bernardino. And I’m “APPALLED” by the corruption in city and county government, giving my home town the label of ‘the new south central’. District Attorney Mike Ramos, needs to keep his Hispanic opinion about who’s running on the GOP, ticket to himself, and focus upon his job at hand. Which is the crime riddle, corruption of in the city and country government. Perhaps if he worried more about the state of affairs of the once great city of San Bernardino California, it might not be the dead broke, cesspool of crime that it has apparently became. Where Sheriff deputies steal to make ends meet. Hey Mike! Get on your J. O. B., and let those who vote worry about the GOP ticket, your plate is full enough!

Irene Elizondo Ward Damon Hubbard • a day ago

Well said

The Liberty Point Ward Damon Hubbard • 2 days ago

Nicely stated and this DA does nothing, he simply looks the other way, he is a hypocrite and a RINO.

Matthew • 3 days ago

I think that Ramos is defending the wrong people here. There are wicked people entering our country unabated, his parents came here legally. The situation in Mexico is hell on earth, and there are some trying to escape. But the demonic is spilling over. It is not about race, it is a spiritual battle. He is falling into the trap of race and social paradigms which the enemies of the Republic and the Church use to destroy independent sovereignty and merge with the beast. The trap of global ordinances and an erasing of national borders, a yoking with the demonic destruction that has consumed a once great Catholic nation.

sven johnson • 3 days ago

as an old white ,blue collar worker in so cal since 1967 i agree with ramos about hard working mexican americans ! have great memories of a lot of mexican co workers over the years. hard working with mostly great families .great sense of humor and most would give you the shirt off their back. however , i believe trump was referring to illegals who sneak into the country who were former criminals where they came from ! how many of these are in the jail system in sb county , ramos , sir ? by the way , whats is up with the ten deputies who beat the guy on the horse ? please respond , mr. ramos !

Markuserektus sven johnson • a day ago

e.e. cummings, is that you?

fedup • 2 days ago

Really, Mr. Ramos, do you need to comment on an issue like this ? Come on, you are beginning to act like Obama does on many issues, commenting on things that are really outside the realm of his position.

Blase’Blase’ • 2 days ago

The little Mini Me DA, who does NOTHING against a Corrupt Sheriffs department should have kept outta this one……………

Trump is going to have a field day……

Irene Elizondo • 2 days ago

Ramos needs to so something about the crime in SB county and stop trying to use Trump to get ahead politically.

Mtee Zee • 2 days ago

Ramos needs to learn to listen…he is so far off base with his interpretation of Trump’s comments.

Rather than Ramo doing his job here locally, he seems bent on pandering for the Hispanic vote. Shameful, so shameful, but typical of San Berdoo County politicos.

Irene Elizondo Mtee Zee • 2 days ago


Tressy Capps • 2 days ago

This is what is wrong with our country and the county right now. Laws matter and no one is enforcing them. Here you have the DA who either doesn’t know or care about immigration laws. Is this why San Bernardino County is known as the wild wild west? Can someone cite the penal code for alleged racist remarks? Will you be filing charges against Mr. Trump? Is this part of the job duties you were elected to perform?

Markuserektus Tressy Capps • a day ago

Immigration law is federal, and the Feds don’t have the resources to enforce it. Trump is not a resident of California.

Paul Ski • 3 days ago

Dear Mr. Ramos,
Two things: 1) Trump wasn’t talking about LEGAL immigrants, such as your grandparents that you mentioned. 2) If his comments were so far from the truth, surely you could disprove them, no?

Bill Tuck Jr • 3 days ago

District Attorney Ramos is The Worst Law Enforcement officer Ever. There may be something to what he is saying? But he`s not the one to do it.

Irene Elizondo • a day ago

Mr. Ramos you think by bashing Trump you will get votes because of your Hispanic name. There are many fine Hispanic Republicans but you are not one of them. You pander to both sides hoping to get elected. You are a disgrace to the intelligent Hispanic community. You are the District Attorney. You are supposed to be bipartisan. Do your job and stop using it for political gain.

Markuserektus • a day ago

The coup de grâce is when Mr. Ramos goes to civil court with the libelous comments below.

San Bernardino Nick Markuserektus • 6 hours ago

Mr. Ramos is a public figure….and if he wants to take people to court I am sure a great number of attorney’ will enjoy deposing his many conquests in the DA’s office and putting them on the stand one after another….LMAO

The Liberty Point • 2 days ago

And you Ramos are nothing more than a disgrace to the office of the DA. Just today or in the last couple of days a woman was shot and killed by an illegal. So how do you explain that one? We are talking about illegals, nothing about immigrants and people like you come to the defense of Mexico, why dont you pack your bags and go back to where you came from?

John Hillman • 2 days ago

Seems the District Attorney has just confirmed he is NOT about “truth and justice”.

Political Correctness = Social Terrorism

The actions of the people reacting to the TRUE STATEMENTS made by Trump identify them for exactly what they are – Social Terrorists.

Irene Elizondo • 2 days ago

What does Jesus and Trump have in common? They both spoke truthfully and neither were politically correct.

Bill Lee Irene Elizondo • a day ago

You just used Trump and Jesus in the same sentence? Chump.

Irene Elizondo Bill Lee • a day ago

If you love Jesus then why the name calling Bill? If I offended you then you can say “Hey I take offense to that.” Name calling is offensive by the way. I can say something back but I won’t.

Have a nice fourth of July!!!

Jones55 • 2 days ago

I met some deputy district attorney named Mike Lewis then a couple weeks later he was dead, killed by some Mexican over in Colton. He was the only DA employee to be killed on the job. I had more problems with Mexicans than any other group of people since I have been in California. Although hispanics are second to blacks in crime levels nationwide, here in California they are second to no one. This is because of the higher population of Mexicans in California. Mexicans might be sensitive to negative comments and have their pride and all that but the reality is they are not such good people.

Irene Elizondo Jones55 • a day ago

Don’t paint us all with the same brush. I understand how you feel though. I am an American Hispanic and I’m also tired of the crime, welfare fraud, anchor babies etc. It’s hard for us to say something because people want to crucify us for telling the truth. Crime comes in all races. White people commit crimes too. I’m sure you are aware of that…

Have a great fourth of July!! It is after all OUR Country’s birthday.

Bill Lee Jones55 • a day ago

I have a lot of problems with white people, they’re everywhere. They drive bad, they talk crappy, sometimes they look. bad. Gosh, a lot of times they’re rapers. They throw trash out of their cars, they yell at their spouses, and at they mall they are the most annoying people you can imagine, they’re just stupid and dumb. They’re just awful. Those white people, they’re everywhere. I swear, they’re ruining this COUNTRY!

Irene Elizondo Guest • 2 days ago

Good one!!!

San Bernardino Nick • 3 days ago

From the Republican that couldn’t get the Republican Party endorsement the last time the dirt bag ran for office….LMAO

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I have to ask: Are the Old Boys down at M.J.Sentinel shitting their pants right now?

Plenty of facebook commenters and at least two bloggers have proposed that the JFC’s attack on WI open records law is actually a set-up to eventually make Walker look the hero. As in, they think that the “dirty dozen” on the Joint Finance Committee conspired to nuke open records law with the budget add-on called more »

Your attention please, Independence Day-celebrating Wisconsinites. Still LOTS of alarming BS in that last minute add-on to the WI budget.

Wisconsin’s Governor has released yet another Orwellian decree. It asserts that despite the fact that a radical stripping of open records law was tucked into Thursday’s “motion 999″ that the changes were “never intended to inhibit transparent gov’t in any way“. That’s special. Let’s assume I can pretend that Scott Walker and associated Republican legislators more »

InlandPolitics: Greece says “NO” to European Union terms

Greece Flag

Sunday, July 5, 02:45 p.m.

Greece’s European Austerity Referendum went down in flames Sunday night.

The measure was overwhelmingly rejected by Greek voters.

The move throws into flux the valuation of the Euro, and in a strange way gives Greece some leverage against EU lenders, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank (ECB), who hold pretty much all of some €3o0,000,000,000 in Greece debt.

I think the Europeans will want to try and recover some of their money rather than a big fat zero. So expect a new deal containing debt relief.

The only type of deal that could work would be to shave off 20-25% of the outstanding debt and extend out more favorable repayment terms. Otherwise Greece can just say thank you, walk away and pay nothing. Then the country would revert back to the drachma.

Something that other financially-teetering countries like Italy, Spain and Portugal will be closely watching.

Expect overreaction in the markets, then euphoria over a sealed deal.

The euro will definitely feel some pressure in international currency markets until an agreement between Athens and Brussels is reached.

But the long-running drama is getting little over-dramatized and not-to-mention taxing.


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Sunday, July 5, 2015

InlandPolitics: Happy 4th of July!

American Flag

Saturday, July 4, 2015 – 09:00 a.m. would like to wish everyone a happy and safe 4th of July holiday.

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The Sacramento Bee: California overhauls electricity pricing; rate hikes likely for many


Business & Real Estate
By Dale Kasler
July 3, 2015

  • Biggest restructuring in 14 years for electricity ratepayers
  • Move affects PG&E, Edison, San Diego
  • Higher rates for up to 40 percent of customers

Regulators overhauled the state’s system for pricing electricity for millions of Californians on Friday in a move that they said will simplify the structure and bring rates closer in line with costs. Many customers who use the least amount of energy will probably see rate increases, but regulators said the system will be more fair.

The Public Utilities Commission voted 5-0 to approve the most significant restructuring of electricity pricing since the Legislature froze rates for many customers during the 2001 energy crisis.

The decision affects electricity customers of Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Although it will affect Yolo County and wide swaths of Northern California, it won’t affect the Sacramento Municipal Utility District or Roseville’s city-owned utility.

Michael Picker, president of the PUC, said the new structure could generate increases of about $5 a month for as many as 40 percent of three big utilities’ ratepayers, “but we really don’t know … . It’s a real grab bag as to how this is going to play out.”

Picker said the commission didn’t approve new rates Friday. Rather, it adopted a general structure, to be phased in over four years, with the exact details to be fleshed out by the PUC after hearing proposals from the big three investor-owned utilities.

“This is just a set of design changes,” Picker said in an interview. “(The utilities) will have to file stuff with us.”

The biggest change will be a flattening of rate tiers, which will narrow the price gap between the heaviest users and those who consume the least electricity. The result will likely be rate hikes for many of the lowest users.

The PUC’s reasoning? The Legislature froze rates in 2001 for the lowest-tier users, and since then costs have risen to the point that some of those users are paying below their actual cost. In that same time, prices have risen considerably for many customers who use more electricity. That “imposed ever greater inequities on large-family households that were pushed into higher tiers in hot climate zones,” the PUC said.

To read entire story, click here.

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The Sacramento Bee: State revenue now hundreds of millions higher than budget estimates

California Money

Capitol Alert
By Jim Miller
July 2, 2015

  • Personal income, corporate tax collections look to be $541 million above 2014-15 revenue estimates
  • California state budget approved last month reflected governor’s revenue numbers
  • Sales tax, other revenue totals for June still being compiled

The 2014-15 fiscal year came to an end this week, and it will be a long time before officials finish closing the books. Early signs, though, are that revenue for the just-completed fiscal year will exceed estimates in the newly minted state budget by hundreds of millions of dollars.

New numbers from the Legislative Analyst’s Office, reflecting the latest data from the Franchise Tax Board, show that the state took in $541 million more in income tax and corporate tax revenue than reflected in the budget approved two weeks ago.

To read entire story, click here.

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Los Angeles Times: New budget spurs Standard & Poor’s to upgrade California’s credit rating

Standard and Poor's

By Chris Megerian
July 2, 2015

The Wall Street ratings agency Standard & Poor’s gave a vote of confidence to California’s finances on Thursday, upgrading its credit rating to its highest level in 14 years.

The state’s new budget, which took effect Wednesday, “marks another step forward in the state’s journey toward improved fiscal sustainability,” said the agency’s report.

The upgrade, from A+ to AA-, was welcomed by state officials.

“Our state has reached another important mile marker in its fiscal comeback,” California Treasurer John Chiang said in a statement.

To read entire story, click here.

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“The burning churches south of the Ohio River are a striking reminder that fascism thrives in America”

The note below appears at the blue cheddar blog with Tom Neale’s permission. The burning churches south of the Ohio River are a striking reminder that fascism thrives in America; for one of fascism’s most telling characteristics is its racist component. The demonized other is essential to this evil. In the wisdom traditions it is more »

Friday, July 3, 2015

UPDATED: Walker will “make changes” / WI Legislature aims to destroy public access to drafting docs. IT TAKES EFFECT JULY 1st.

UPDATE: Gov. Scott Walker plans to work with lawmakers to change heavy restrictions on public records before the state budget is voted on, his spokeswoman said Friday. “Prior to the budget going to the full Legislature for action, Governor Walker plans to work with legislative leaders to make changes to the provisions included in the more »

Thursday, July 2, 2015

WI Legislature aims to destroy public access to drafting docs. IT TAKES EFFECT JULY 1st.

I’m going to go ALL CAPS. WISCONSIN IS RULED BY ARROGANT SLIMEBALLS. I mean, it’s not enough for Wisconsin’s Republican legislators and the dairyland dictator to have one-party-rule. They demand secrecy! A motion proposed by the Joint Finance Committee today takes away our access to drafting documents. Yes, it IS part of the Wisconsin budget more »

San Gorgonio baseball coach Bill Eatinger named to Hall of Fame

San Gorgonio baseball coach Bill Eatinger talks about beating Jurupa Hills earlier this season. Hall of Fame? Bill Eatinger never thought his name would be mentioned in the same sentence. But the long-time San Gorgonio High baseball coach has been … Continue reading

InlandPolitics: An interesting story in The Sun

Magnifying Glass

Thursday, July 2, 2015 – 09:10 a.m.

There’s an interesting article published in Thursday’s edition of The Sun newspaper.

To read the story, click here.

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Daily Press: Grand Jury touches on ‘issues’ with vehicle seizures

Grand Jury

Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman confirms investigation in 2011

By Shea Johnson
Staff Writer
Posted Jul. 1, 2015 at 12:31 PM
Updated Jul 1, 2015 at 6:18 PM

SAN BERNARDINO — The San Bernardino County Grand Jury acknowledged “issues” Wednesday related to the Sheriff’s Department and its seizure of vehicles later sold at lien sales, seemingly giving some credence to whistle-blower allegations that deputies routinely flipped impounded vehicles for personal gain.

In its annual report, the Grand Jury recommended the Sheriff’s Department “continue to monitor the towing issues” after jurors probed the department’s policies and procedures regarding employees purchasing impounded vehicles that had been seized during an investigation. The Grand Jury reviewed towing logs and the department’s contracts with private towing companies, as well as Department of Motor Vehicle regulations.

But the surprisingly small focus within the 122-page report given to the alleged towing corruption did not indicate jurors found any specific wrongdoing, only pointing out that the Sheriff’s Department “appears to be aware of issues regarding towing and sale of both towed and seized vehicles and has taken steps to resolve them.”

Jurors said that an addendum had been added in February 2013 to one unspecified sheriff’s station’s Tow Service Agreement — the terms and conditions between them and tow companies — that appeared to directly address the allegations.

“All companies participating in the TSA will no longer be allowed or permitted to sell and or give vehicles, motorcycles, motorized vehicles and or any other property directly related to the towing businesses that are currently enrolled in the TSA to a Sheriff’s Department employee and or their immediately family,” the addendum read.

But the report also said this addendum has since been deleted.

Sheriff’s spokeswoman Jodi Miller said the deletion was likely an error and an addendum in the same spirit has been added to every TSA since 2014. The addendum does, however, allow vehicles to be sold to sheriff’s employees or family members with authorization from local station commanders.

In March 2014, the following revision was also added to the department’s manual: “… Deputy Sheriff’s frequently seize the personal property of citizens. The act of seizing another’s property is one of the most invasive and litigated activities by law enforcement. In order to avoid any appearance that a seizure was for personal gain, employees shall not possess property that has been seized by the department. This includes the purchase of seized property by a third party for an employee’s use.”

Miller said officials had first enacted an informal department policy after a June 2011 administrative investigation into two deputies who had apparently purchased “a few vehicles.” She called the investigation “thorough” and said the appropriate action had been taken, although she could not specify any further.

She also said she was not aware of any other issues since then.

“At that time, there was no department policy from keeping that from occurring,” she said. “It’s not against the law … (but) the department does not want to have the appearance of any type of impropriety or any type of wrongdoing, so the decision was made we we’re going to develop a department policy.”

According to the Grand Jury report, if state DMV rules are followed, there is nothing preventing a tow yard from lien selling a vehicle to whomever they choose.

The report comes almost a year after a lawsuit filed by one retired and two current motorcycle deputies last working at the Victorville Station. In a court filing previously reported by the Daily Press, retired deputy Tim Jordan said he was retaliated against after he uncovered a systematic scheme sustained by close connections that was being covered up by higher-ranking officials.

The Sheriff’s Department has denied all the allegations in the lawsuit in response.

To read entire story, click here.

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