Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Videos from Cajon's State Championship game

Here are videos from Cajon's state championship game, postgame interviews as well as final seconds: Kayla Washington talks: Turner twins talk: Taylor Goldsberry talks Coach Mark Lehman talks Cajon awards ceremony Final seconds of the game Share this

Videos from Cajon's State Championship game

Here are videos from Cajon's state championship game, postgame interviews as well as final seconds: Kayla Washington talks: Turner twins talk: Taylor Goldsberry talks Coach Mark Lehman talks Cajon awards ceremony Final seconds of the game Share this

Friday, March 11, 2016

Capital Public Radio: Reservoirs Filling, But Snowpack Worries In California

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Ed Joyce /> Thursday, March 10, 2016 | Sacramento, CA |

The early March storms offset three dry weeks in February, in terms of precipitation, and helped fill some California reservoirs. But the U.S. Drought Monitor says warm temperatures did not build snowpack at lower elevations in the Sierra Nevada.

id="more-67459">The first wave of ‘Miracle March’ storms in California offset three dry weeks in February and improved storage in some reservoirs. Now, the state is primed for drought improvement, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor released March 10.

Storms last week brought California “some badly-needed precipitation after rather dry and mild conditions the past 3 weeks [February] caused a sharp decline in the Water Year-To-Date (WYTD) precipitation and snowpack that were both above-normal in early February.”

“Therefore, considering that this storm basically negated the decline caused by the prior 3 weeks of dryness and warmth, no changes were made this week,” according to the weekly update. “However, with the state [California] now recharged with short-term moisture, any additional precipitation, especially from a colder system (e.g. lower elevation snows), should provide some improvement to the state, especially in northern and central areas.”

The weekly cutoff time for the Drought Monitor is 7 a.m. EST Tuesday. So, any drought improvement from the series of storms the first week of March in California will be reflected in the March 17 report.

Despite expecting big increases in precipitation and snowpack, in what is normally one of the wettest months of the year in California, the last three weeks of February “stalled” or lowered both. In terms of precipitation, there was improvement to above-normal in the “northern, central (San Joaquin), and southern (Tulare basin) Sierra station indices.”

“More good news from the recent storm was that reservoir storages did increase from the heavy rains and snowmelt from the lower elevations,” the report says.

To read expanded article, click href="http://www.capradio.org/articles/2016/03/10/reservoirs-filling,-but-snowpack-worries-in-california/">here.

The post rel="nofollow" href="http://inlandpolitics.com/blog/2016/03/11/capital-public-radio-reservoirs-filling-snowpack-worries-california/">Capital Public Radio: Reservoirs Filling, But Snowpack Worries In California appeared first on rel="nofollow" href="http://inlandpolitics.com/blog">InlandPolitics.com.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Daily Bulletin: Paul Chabot files to run against Rep. Pete Aguilar

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By Sandra Emerson, Redlands Daily Facts /> Posted: 03/08/16 – 9:01 PM PST |

The race to represent the 31st District in Congress is officially under way.

id="more-67443">Paul Chabot, a Republican, on Tuesday filed his paperwork to run against Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-San Bernardino, who is seeking re-election in November.

Chabot, of Rancho Cucamonga, said his campaign will focus on national security, crime reduction, job creation and improving youth education.

“Those four areas are very critical to not only the strength of the Inland Empire, but also the strength of our nation, and we are well behind where we should be both as a community and as a country,” Chabot said by phone Tuesday.

Chabot said also among his priorities is reopening Norton Air Force Base as a joint military base, which he said could create 20,000 jobs in the district.

Chabot, of Rancho Cucamonga, announced his campaign in February 2015, just three months after losing to Aguilar in November 2014.

Aguilar, who was serving as mayor of Redlands at the time of his election to Congress, announced last month his intention to run for re-election in 2016.

To kick off his campaign, Aguilar will host an event at 6 p.m. Wednesday at V.F.W. Post 8737 in San Bernardino.

“Inland Empire families deserve a leader who will get them the results they deserve,” Aguilar said Tuesday in an emailed statement. “I’m running for re-election to continue working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to help put residents back to work, improve our education system and protect critical programs for veterans and seniors.”

Republican Sean Flynn, an Upland resident and author of “Economics for Dummies,” in January announced his campaign for the seat. Flynn has been endorsed by San Bernardino City Councilman Henry Nickel and has been named an “On the Radar” candidate in the National Republican Congressional Committee’s Young Guns program, according to Flynn’s website.

To read expanded article, click href="http://www.dailybulletin.com/government-and-politics/20160308/paul-chabot-files-to-run-against-rep-pete-aguilar">here.

The post rel="nofollow" href="http://inlandpolitics.com/blog/2016/03/09/daily-bulletin-paul-chabot-files-run-rep-pete-aguilar/">Daily Bulletin: Paul Chabot files to run against Rep. Pete Aguilar appeared first on rel="nofollow" href="http://inlandpolitics.com/blog">InlandPolitics.com.